
ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
594 A
American National
Standards Institute
The primary organization for fostering the development of technology
standards in the United States.
ARP See Address Resolution Protocol.
Allocation Map
The downstream MAC Management Message that the CMTS uses to
allocate transmission opportunities to CMs.
Baseline Privacy
Provides data privacy for DOCSIS 1.0 CMs and CMTS. BPI+, provides privacy
for DOCSIS 1.1 CMs and CMTS.
BDU See Bridge Protocol Data Unit.
Bootstrap Protocol
A protocol that lets a network user be automatically configured (receive an IP
address) and have an operating system boot or initiated without user
involvement. The BOOTP server, managed by a network administrator,
automatically assigns the IP address from a pool of addresses for a certain
duration of time.
BPI See Baseline Privacy Interface.
Bridge Protocol
Data Unit (BDU)
Spanning tree protocol messages as defined in [ISO/IEC10038].
Broadband Network technology that multiplexes multiple, independent network carriers
onto a single cable or fiber. The technology is used to carry voice, video, and
data over the same cable or fiber.
Broadcast Transmission to two or more devices at the same time, such as over a
bus-type local network or by satellite; protocol mechanism that supports
group and universal addressing.
A predefined destination address that denotes the set of all data network
service access points.
Cable Modem
A modulator-demodulator at subscriber locations intended for use in
conveying data communications on a cable television system.
Cable Modem
System (CMTS)
A device located at the cable system head-end or distribution hub, that
interfaces the HFC network to local or remote IP networks.