MM70xG2-UM-03 xiii
This manual applies to the ADC
Megabit Modem
versions MM701G2 and MM702G2. These modems can be
used in two types of applications:
• as an endpoint (CPE) to a DSLAM for Internet and other broadband connection through a service provider
• as a LAN extension by implementing a point-to-point connection with another modem of the same model
(MM701G2 to MM701G2 or MM702G2 to MM702G2)
To complete an endpoint installation for an MM701G2 or MM702G2 modem, follow the configuration instructions in
all chapters of this manual, with the exception of Chapter 7: Implementing a Point-To-Point LAN Extension.
To complete a point-to-point installation for two MM701G2 or two MM702G2 modems, follow the configuration
instructions in these chapters only:
• Chapter 1: Installation
• Chapter 2: Accessing the Web Interface for Modem Management
• Chapter 5: Configuring System Parameters
• Chapter 7: Implementing a Point-To-Point LAN Extension
• Chapter 8: Configuring NAT
After configuring the modem(s) for your application, monitor its status and perform other management functions
using the instructions in Chapter 9: Managing the Modem. If you choose to manage the modem through the console
port, use the instructions in Appendix A: Command Line Interface Access.
This manual is intended for anyone who installs, configures, and manages the ADC Megabit Modem versions
MM701G2 and MM702G2.
The following style conventions and terminology are used throughout this guide.
Element Meaning
Bold font Text that you must input exactly as shown (e.g., type 1 for card 1), menu buttons
(e.g., ACCEPT SHELF OPTIONS) or menu screen options (e.g., ALARMS screen) that
you must select
Italic font Variables that you must determine before inputting the correct value (e.g., Password )
Monospace font References to screen prompts (e.g., Invalid Password...Try Again:.)
Reader Alert Meaning
Alerts you to supplementary information
Alerts you to supplementary information that is essential to the completion of a task