MM70xG2-UM-03 7-1
Two ADC G.shdsl modems can be implemented in a point-to-point application (also called back-to-back). In this
application, the modems can be used to connect remote LANs to create LAN extensions. In this point-to-point
application, one ADC G.shdsl modem is set to Remote mode and the other ADC G.shdsl modem is set for Central-
Office mode. By bridging traffic between these two modems, you essentially create one extended LAN that allows
the use of a single IP subnet. Note you can also set up a routing session in back-to-back modem configurations with
MM701G2 and 384 to 4608 Kbps with MM702G2.
Although you can set up multiple sessions on these modems, only one RFC 1483-Bridge sessions is required for
implementing a point-to-point LAN extension.
The ADC modems comply with the standard G.shdsl data rate range of 192 kbps to 2304 kbps. Additionally, rates
down to 64 kbps are supported only when using the G.shdsl modem in single-pair, point-to-point mode for a LAN
extension application.
Determine which of these implementations apply for your application:
• Quick Install—If your application does not require custom configuration, you can use the default modem set-
tings. To implement, the Remote mode modem is already configured with factory default configuration for imple-
menting point-to-point LAN extension. The Central-Office modem requires only two configuration changes to set
the modem to Central-Office mode. These changes are described in “Complete a Quick Installation” below.
• Custom Configuration—If you implement custom configuration where you do not use factory default parame-
ters for your modems, refer to “Complete a Custom Configuration” on page 7-3 to configure the Remote modem
and to configure the Central-Office modem.
Note: The modem is shipped with factory defaults as a Remote modem.
With V3.2.0, there are two RFC-1483 WAN Bridging sessions with PVC’s 0/35 and 0/100. For point-to-point
LAN extension applications, delete one WAN session.