Chapter 5: Configuring System Parameters April 14, 2006
5-2 MM70xG2-UM-03
Step Action
2 To add a new user account, do the following:
a. Click Add a new user. The following dialog is displayed (Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2. Add New User
b. Enter the following information:
– User Name
The login name for this user. The login name can be a maximum
of 32 characters and all keyboard characters, except a space,
are allowed.
– Password
The password associated with this user login. The password must
be a minimum of six and a maximum of 32 alphanumeric
characters (including caps and lowercase).
– Access Level
The level of access to modem configuration and management
allowed for this user. Choose from the following list of
access levels:
– Comment
Identifies the user in a way that is meaningful to you. All keyboard characters are allowed.
Note: It is important to change the password for all three default user accounts to ensure secure
access to the modem for configuration and management.
User Name: admin
Password: password
Access level: superuser
User Name: isp
Password: password
Access level: engineer
User Name: user
Password: password
Access level: default
Table 5-1. User Access Levels
Access Level Definition
Super User This user has full administrative access to the modem. This includes full view and write access to
all modem configuration and management.
Engineer This user has write access to all LAN-side and DSL configuration (including DSL testing) only. All
other configuration access (WAN session and System) is view only.
Default This user has view only access to all modem configuration and management. Default is the
default access level when setting up new user accounts.