Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 8 6-15
Programming the E5250A
Programming Examples
Program List: 10 ! Example: Creating Connection Channels
20 !
30 INTEGER Complete
40 DIM Channel$[100]
50 ! (Gate, Drain, Substrate, Source)
60 Channel$="(@10101,10202,10303,10404)" ! Channels to Create
70 !
80 ! Put Instrument Initialization Routine here
90 !
100 ASSIGN @Hp5250 TO 722 ! Assigns E5250A GPIB address to 722
110 OUTPUT @Hp5250;"*RST"
120 OUTPUT @Hp5250;":ROUT:FUNC NCON" ! Sets Normal Config mode
130 OUTPUT @Hp5250;":ROUT:CONN:RULE ALL,SROU"! Sets Single rule
140 OUTPUT @Hp5250;":ROUT:CONN:SEQ ALL,BBM" ! Sets BBM sequence
150 !
160 OUTPUT @Hp5250;":ROUT:CLOS "&Channel$ ! Creates channels
170 OUTPUT @Hp5250;"*OPC?"
180 ENTER @Hp5250;Complete
190 !
200 ! Put Measurement Routine here
210 !
220 OUTPUT @Hp5250;":ROUT:OPEN:CARD ALL" ! Opens all relays
230 OUTPUT @Hp5250;"*OPC?"
240 ENTER @Hp5250;Complete
250 !
260 OUTPUT @Hp5250;"*RST"
270 !
280 END
40 Declares data size of Channel$, which is used as channel_list
60 Defines the desired channel_list.
80 Here, insert the initialization routine for your measurement
110 Resets the E5250A.
120 Sets the E5250A to Normal channel configuration mode.
130 Sets the connection rule to Single.
140 Sets the connection sequence to Break-Before-Make.
160 Closes relays to create the channels specified by Channel$.
170 to 180 Waits until the relay closing operation is completed.
200 Here, insert measurement routine for your measurement
220 to 240 Opens all relays, and waits until open operation is completed.
260 Resets the E5250A.