9-2 Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 8
Executing Sample Programs
This chapter explains how to use the following sample programs:
• “Vth and Capacitance Measurement Program”
• “HCI Measurement Program”
The sample programs are saved in the E5250A Program Disk (LIF formatted,
3.5-inch diskette) that is furnished with Agilent E5250A. This disk includes the
setup files for controlling Agilent 4155/4156 Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer
used in the program with Agilent E5250A.
NOTE The sample programs are HP BASIC language programs, so you need an HP BASIC
workstation to execute the programs.
The Vth and Capacitance Measurement Program uses the Agilent 4155/4156,
Agilent 4284A Precision LCR Meter, and the E5250A with the E5252A card.
The HCI Measurement Program uses the 4155/4156, Bias Sources, and the E5250A
with the E5255A cards.
CAUTION These are sample programs, so you may need to modify these programs and the
4155/4156 setup files for your application before executing the programs.
If the sample programs damage your device, Agilent Technologies is NOT LIABLE
for the damage.
NOTE To Keep Original Program Disk
Copy the E5250A Program Disk, and keep the original disk for your backup. Also,
for storing a program after you modify it, use a file name that is different from the
original program name.