Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 8 8-29
VXI plug&play Driver
Driver Functions
This function specifies capacitance/conductance compensation data file used to
compensate C/G by using hpe5250a_compenC.
Syntax ViStatus _VI_FUNC hpe5250a_selectCompenFile(ViSession vi,
ViString file_name);
Parameters vi Instrument handle returned from hpe5250a_init( ).
file_name Compensation data file name. Use absolute path. If the value is
NULL string, the default data is used.
Remarks If you change the compensation data, copy the default data shown below, and
modify the data for your measurement cable. You will need to change the data for
DATA05 and 06, and/or DATA07 and 08 corresponding to your cables. To measure
and change the compensation data, refer to Chapter 6. To get the R, L, and C value,
measure R, L, and C of the cable using the 4284A, and divide them by cable length
(in m). Compensation data must be the value for 1 m length. Do not change the data
format in the file.
# E5250A C Compensation coefficient data table
# CAUTION : Do not add or delete "REVISION" line and "DATAxx" line.
# Change the value for R,L,C of DATA05,06,07 or 08.
# R [ohm] L [H] C [F]
DATA00 74.65E-3 140.00E-9 58.44E-12 # Frame Path 1
DATA01 75.41E-3 90.00E-9 67.13E-12 # Frame Path 2
DATA02 231.41E-3 450.00E-9 178.85E-12 # Card Path High
DATA03 177.56E-3 390.00E-9 135.45E-12 # Card Path Low
DATA04 100.70E-3 400.00E-9 80.00E-12 # Triax Cable [/m]
DATA05 100.70E-3 400.00E-9 80.00E-12 # User Triax Cbl H [/m]
DATA06 100.70E-3 400.00E-9 80.00E-12 # User Triax Cbl L [/m]
DATA07 114.00E-3 544.00E-9 130.00E-12 # User Coax Cbl H [/m]
DATA08 114.00E-3 544.00E-9 130.00E-12 # User Coax Cbl L [/m]
DATA09 0.00E-3 0.00E-9 1.20E-12 # Stray Capacitance
# END of Data