choosing for document 37
creating new 39
deleting 140
synchronizing 141–142
linking in File Assistant 136–139
opening 26
opening higher-level 35
placing icons inside 39
storing work inside 25–26, 37
font problems 123
footrest 46
ghost images 114
grounding plug 2
hard disk
copying to floppy disk from 38
copying from floppy disk to 38
Disk First Aid check of 129
installing system software on
problems with 110, 120
removing an item from 34
saving a new document to 22–23
sleep mode and 72
spinning down 55
using PowerBook as 104–107
hard disk icon 12, 19
HD Spin Down, on Control Strip 49, 55
connecting 97
ports for 90, 92
sound input port warning 97
health-related concerns 44–48
Help menu 40
Show Balloons, for Control Strip 49
hiding the Control Strip 51
I, J
I-beam pointer, thickening 85
icons 19
blinking 115
copying 33
defined 32
moving 33
naming 33
placing inside folders 39
selecting and deselecting 32
working with 32–34
ID numbers, for SCSI devices 100–101
initializing a DOS-format disk 147–148
Installer program 128, 129–130
installing SCSI drivers 100
installing system software
customized version 133–134
for the first time 128–130
reinstallation 111, 131–133
Install Me First disk, Installer program
on 128
adjusting height of 47
positioning 46
repetitive stress injuries from 45
keyboard shortcuts, in Finder and
directory dialog boxes 40
lighting, eye fatigue and 45
lightning bolt icon 60
linking files or folders 136–139
deleting linked pairs 140
non-matching 139
Lotus 1-2-3 (Windows), exchanging files
with 152
low-power messages 61