
Erasing the contents of a disk
To do this Follow these steps
Erase the entire 1. Insert the disk you want to erase into a disk drive.
contents of a floppy disk 2. Click the icon of the disk you want to erase.
3. Choose Erase Disk from the Special menu.
4. Respond to the messages on your screen by clicking the
appropriate buttons.
Organizing your desktop
Creating a new folder
To do this Follow these steps
Create a new 1. Choose New Folder from the File menu.
folder 2. Type a name for the folder.
3. Press the Return key.
Placing an icon inside a folder
To do this Follow these steps
Place an icon 1. Drag the icon to the folder where you want to store it.
inside a folder 2. Release the button when the folder icon becomes
Basic Skills