PowerBook Duo systems 89–93. See
also specific systems
adding memory to 97
adding SCSI devices to 99–104
connecting a modem to 94–95
connecting a printer to 96
connecting sound input/output devices
to 97
Duo Dock/Duo Dock II 89–91
Floppy Adapter 93
MiniDock 92
using for presentations 98
PowerBook File Assistant 135–144
alert messages in 143
deleting linked files or folders in 140
linking files or folders in 136–139
starting 136
synchronizing linked files or folders in
PowerBook File Assistant icon 136
PowerBook HD icon 12
PowerBook Setup control panel
for external modem 95
for SCSI disk setup 105
power button 5
losing unsaved work with 7
power conservation settings, changing
54, 76
power management 59–76. See also
batteries; battery power
Control Strip for 49, 54
low-power messages 61
maximizing work time 70–76
SCSI disk mode and 107
troubleshooting 112–113
Power On key 4
no response from 5
Power Settings, on Control Strip 49, 54
changing 54, 76
power sources 59
conservation settings and 76
practice session 21–30
Preferences (File menu), in File Assistant
for linking files or folders with
different names 139
for turning off alert messages 143
connecting 96
troubleshooting 122–123
Printer/modem port icon 94
printer port 96
on Duo Dock/Duo Dock II 90
on Duo MiniDock 92
Printer port icon 96
printing, deferring until later 86
processor cycling 74–75
programs slowed by 125
processor speed feature 75
program, checking where you are 29
pull-down menus, working with 40
Quattro, exchanging files with 154
question mark icon, system software
warning 6, 127
quick reference information 31–40
Quit (File menu) 24
for starting over 30
quitting a program 24
quitting SCSI disk mode 108
quiz on basics 15–18
radio and television interference, vii
RAM, adding to computer 97
RAM cache function, on Duo Dock/Duo
Dock II 91
RAM contents
backup battery and 67
low power and 61
system sleep and 72