Application programs
A program won’t open.
m Some programs can’t be opened from a locked floppy disk. Make sure the
disk is unlocked. (Unlock a disk by sliding the tab so that it covers the hole
at the corner of the disk.)
m The program may be damaged. Recopy it from a known good source (such
as the original program disk).
m There may not be enough memory available to open the program. Quit
other programs or change this program’s memory size in the Info window.
A program runs very slowly.
m Some programs are slowed by processor cycling. You can turn processor
cycling off; see Chapter 6.
A message says that a program could not be found.
m You may be trying to open a document created with a program you don’t
have on your computer, or created with a different version of the program.
Obtain the correct program and version. Or, open the document with
another program that can read its format. (If another program can open a
document, the program icon becomes highlighted when you drag the
document icon on top of it.)
Tips and Troubleshooting