application programs
assigning to DOS documents
opening DOS documents from 149
troubleshooting 125–126
arrow keys, selecting items with 40
arrow pointer, moving with trackball 10
automatic file or folder synchronization
142, 144
automatic sleep 8, 61
Battery Conservation settings and
problems with 113, 120
AutoRemounter options 78
in File Assistant 144
backup battery 67
backup System Folder 128
basic skills 31–40
batteries. See also battery power
backup 67
caring for 43, 61
disposing of 43, 66
recharging 43, 62–65
problems with 112–113
reconditioning 67–70
removing or replacing 65–66
backup battery 67
safety concerns 41, 42, 43, 66
troubleshooting 112–113
type of 59
Battery (Apple menu) 60
Battery Conservation settings
adjusting 71–73
customizing 73–76
Battery Conservation slider 71–72
Battery desk accessory 60
Battery icon 53
Battery Monitor module 49
customizing 54
using 52–53
battery power. See also batteries
AppleTalk and 57
conserving 70–71
Battery Conservation options
with Battery Monitor 54
with power adapter 70
with RAM disk 79–84
displaying charge level 53, 60
Duo MiniDock and 118
hard disk spin down and 55
low-power messages 61
monitoring 59
with Battery desk accessory 60
with Battery Monitor 52–53
problems 112–113
problems with 112–113
SCSI disk mode and 107
sleep mode and 7, 8
using while recharging 62, 63
battery recharger 63–65
Battery Reconditioning icon 68
Battery Reconditioning program 67–69
blinking icon 115
blinking question mark icon 6
brightness controls 5
adjusting 114
safety concerns 41
for SCSI devices 99, 103–104
cache function, on Duo Dock/Duo
Dock II 91
Cancel button, for starting over 30
carpal tunnel syndrome 45
chaining SCSI devices 99–104
chair, recommendations for 46
children, safety concerns with 41
.CHP files (Ventura Publisher) 154
cleaning the computer 42, 43
cleaning the trackball 116