
m battery consumption rate
m estimated work time remaining
The battery charge level, battery consumption rate, and estimated work time
remaining change depending on the software, hardware, and power saving
features you use.
The battery icon changes depending on whether the battery is being charged,
is fully charged, or is powering the computer. Notice that the battery
consumption rate and the work time left are displayed only when the
computer is being powered by the battery.
The Control Strip
If the power adapter is plugged in and the battery
is fully charged, this icon appears.
If the power adapter is plugged in and the battery is not
in the computer, this icon appears.
The battery icon tells you whether a battery is
installed, is being used to power the computer,
is being recharged, or is fully charged.
If the power adapter is plugged in and charging
the battery, this icon appears.
If the battery is
powering the
computer, this
icon appears.
The charge level
is displayed
The battery consumption rate is displayed
when the battery is powering the
. Higher rates are to the right.
The estimated work time remaining is
displayed here when the battery is
powering the computer.
The charge level changes as the battery charges.