
Chapter 1 iPhone at a Glance 11
Home button
The Home button takes you to the Home screen, and provides other convenient shortcuts.
See apps you’ve opened. Double-click the Home button. See Start at home on page 21.
Use Siri (iPhone 4S or later) or Voice Control. Press and hold the Home button. See Voice
Control on page 28 and Chapter 4, Siri, on page 40.
On iPhone 5s, you can use the sensor in the Home button to read your ngerprint, instead of
using your passcode or Apple ID. See Touch ID sensor on page 37.
You can also use the Home button to turn accessibility features on or o. See Accessibility
Shortcut on page 118 .
Volume controls
When you’re on the phone or listening to songs, movies, or other media, the buttons on the side
of iPhone adjust the audio volume. Otherwise, the buttons control the volume for the ringer,
alerts, and other sound eects.
WARNING: For important information about avoiding hearing loss, see Important safety
information on page 143.
Lock the ringer and alert volumes. Go to Settings > Sounds and turn o “Change with Buttons.”
To limit the volume for music and videos, go to Settings > Music > Volume Limit.
Note: In some European Union (EU) countries, iPhone may warn that you’re setting the volume
above the EU recommended level for hearing safety. To increase the volume beyond this level,
you may need to briey release the volume control. To limit the maximum headset volume
to this level, go to Settings > Music > Volume Limit and turn on EU Volume Limit. To prevent
changes to the volume limit, go to Settings > General > Restrictions.
You can also use either volume button to take a picture or record a video. See Take photos and
videos on page 77.
Ring/Silent switch
Flip the Ring/Silent switch to put iPhone in ring mode or silent mode .
In ring mode, iPhone plays all sounds. In silent mode, iPhone doesn’t ring or play alerts and other
sound eects.