
Chapter 2 Getting Started 19
Tips for syncing with iTunes on your computer
Connect iPhone to your computer, select it in iTunes, and set options in the dierent panes.
In the Summary pane, you can set iTunes to automatically sync iPhone when it’s attached to
your computer. To temporarily override this setting, hold down Command and Option (Mac) or
Shift and Control (PC) until you see iPhone appear in the iTunes window.
In the Summary pane, select “Encrypt iPhone backup” if you want to encrypt the information
stored on your computer when iTunes makes a backup. Encrypted backups are indicated by a
lock icon , and a password is required in order to restore the backup. If you don’t select this
option, other passwords (such as those for mail accounts) aren’t included in the backup and
you’ll have to reenter them if you use the backup to restore iPhone.
In the Info pane, when you sync mail accounts, only the settings are transferred from your
computer to iPhone. Changes you make to a mail account on iPhone don’t aect the account
on your computer.
In the Info pane, click Advanced to select options that let you replace the information on
iPhone with the information from your computer during the next sync.
In the Photo pane, you can sync photos and videos from a folder on your computer.
If you use iCloud to store your contacts, calendars, and bookmarks, don’t also sync them to
iPhone using iTunes.
Date and time
The date and time are usually set for you based on your location—take a look at the Lock screen
to see if they’re correct.
Set whether iPhone updates the date and time automatically. Go to Settings > General > Date
& Time, then turn Set Automatically on or o. If you set iPhone to update the time automatically,
it gets the correct time over the cellular network and updates it for the time zone you’re in. Some
carriers don’t support network time, so in some areas iPhone may not be able to automatically
determine the local time.
Set the date and time manually. Go to Settings > General > Date & Time, then turn o Set
Set whether iPhone shows 24-hour time or 12-hour time. Go to Settings > General > Date & Time,
then turn 24-Hour Time on or o. (24-Hour Time may not be available in all areas.)
International settings
Go to Settings > General > International to set the following:
The language for iPhone
The language for Voice Control
The keyboards you use
The region format (date, time, and telephone number)
The calendar format
Your iPhone name
The name of your iPhone is used by both iTunes and iCloud.
Change the name of your iPhone. Go to Settings > General > About > Name.