
Chapter 2 Getting Started 17
Manage content on your iOS devices
You can transfer information and les between your iOS devices and computers, using iCloud
or iTunes.
iCloud stores content such as music, photos, calendars, contacts, documents, and more, and
wirelessly pushes it to your other iOS devices and computers, keeping everything up to date.
See iCloud below.
iTunes syncs music, video, photos, and more, between your computer and iPhone. Changes
you make on one device are copied to the other when you sync. You can also use iTunes to
sync les and documents. See Sync with iTunes on page 18.
You can use iCloud or iTunes, or both, depending on your needs. For example, you can use iCloud
to automatically send the photos you take on iPhone to your other devices, and use iTunes to
sync photo albums from your computer to iPhone.
Important: If you use iCloud for syncing contacts, calendars, and notes, don’t also use iTunes to
sync those items. Otherwise, you might see duplicates.
You can also manually manage content from iTunes, in the device’s Summary pane. This lets you
add songs and videos, by choosing a song, video, or playlist from your iTunes library and then
dragging it to your iPhone in iTunes. This is useful if your iTunes library contains more items than
can t on your device.
Note: If you’re using iTunes Match, you can manually manage video only.
iCloud stores your content, including music, photos, contacts, calendars, and supported
documents. Content stored in iCloud is pushed wirelessly to your other iOS devices and
computers set up with the same iCloud account.
iCloud is available on devices with iOS 5 or later, on Mac computers with OS X Lion v10.7.2
or later, and on PCs with the iCloud Control Panel for Windows (Windows 7 or Windows 8 is
Note: iCloud may not be available in all areas, and iCloud features may vary by area. For more
information, see www.apple.com/icloud.
iCloud features include:
iTunes in the Cloud—Download previous iTunes Store music and video purchases to iPhone
for free, anytime. With an iTunes Match subscription, all your music—including music you’ve
imported from CDs or purchased somewhere other than iTunes Store—appears on all of your
devices and can be downloaded and played, on demand. See iTunes Match on page 63.
Apps and Books—Download previous App Store and iBookstore purchases to iPhone for free,
Photos—Use My Photo Stream to send photos you take with your iPhone to your other
devices, automatically. Use iCloud Photo Sharing to share photos and videos with just the
people you choose, and let them add photos, videos, and comments. See iCloud Photo
Sharing on page 72 and My Photo Stream on page 73.
Documents in the Cloud—For iCloud-enabled apps, keep documents and app data up to date
across all your devices.