126 Index
getting started 5
free email account 47
searching the web 54
Google search engine 103
hands-free phone calls 30, 98
headphones. See headset
about 13, 23
Bluetooth 41
doesn’t fit in jack 116
headset button. See mic button
help, getting 122
hold, putting calls on 30
Home screen 14, 18, 31, 34
adding Web Clips 56
customizing 16
hybrid view 82
iCal 9, 122
ICCID number 95
applications 14
status 14
See also buttons
IMAP email accounts 47
IMEI number 95
insertion point, positioning 22
international keyboards 96, 98
Internet, connecting to 24
iPhoto 10, 122
changing browse buttons 66
converting videos for iPhone 59
deleting videos 66
headset controls 24
on-the-go playlists 63
repeating or shuffling songs 61
settings 104
sleep timer 66
syncing iTunes library content 8
transferring purchased content 59
getting help 122
iPhone doesn’t appear in 114
iTunes Store account 5, 113
iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store
about 108
browsing 109
purchasing songs and albums 111
store account 113
syncing purchased content 112
verifying purchases 113
keyboard, typing on 21
international 96
keypad, numbers 30
in email 51
on webpages 52
location. See Maps
locking iPhone 14, 17, 18
lyrics, displaying 60
.Mac account 47
Mac system requirements 5
account setup 99
adding recipient to contacts 51
alerts 100, 101
attachments 50, 117
Cc 101
checking for new messages 50, 100
default email account 101
deleting email account 100
deleting messages 50
forwarding messages 48
links 51
marking messages as unread 51
organizing email 51
password settings 100
problems opening an attachment 117
reading messages 49
replying to messages 48
resizing text column 51
saving drafts 48
seeing recipients 51
sending email to someone you’ve texted 69
sending messages 48, 101
sending photos 48
sending webpage addresses 53
sending YouTube video links 79
settings 99, 100
signatures 101
storing email on iPhone or server 100
syncing email account settings 7, 10, 47
Yahoo! email account 10, 100
zooming in a message 51
adding location to a contact 83
bookmarking location 83