Index 127
current approximate location 81, 83
dropped pin 82
finding businesses 84
finding location 81
getting directions 83
hybrid view 82
satellite view 82
seeing location of a contact 83
traffic conditions 84
zooming 82
mic button 13, 24, 31, 32, 60, 62, 116
about 23
muting 30
Microsoft Entourage 9
Microsoft Excel 104
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10, 57
Microsoft Outlook 9, 118
Microsoft Word 104
missed calls
number of 34
returning 30
model number 95
modem firmware version 95
movies, rented 10, 65
lyrics 60
managing manually 9
previewing 111
purchasing 111
syncing 7, 10
transferring purchased content 59
See also iPod
muting a call 30
navigating. See panning, scrolling
networks 92
Notes 90
NTSC 106
on-the-go playlists 63
or 25
orientation, changing 53, 75
Outlook. See Microsoft Outlook
Outlook Express. See Windows Address Book
overview, iPhone applications 14
pairing with Bluetooth headset 41, 43
PAL 106
maps 82
webpages 54
passcode 97
password, changing 102
pausing songs and videos 24
PC system requirements 5
adding and editing contacts 37
answering calls 23, 24, 31
calling emergency services 33
calling internationally 44
calling someone you’ve texted 69
call waiting 102
carrier services 103
changing voicemail password 102
conference calls 30, 33
declining calls 24, 32
ending calls 23, 24, 31
forwarding calls 102
hands-free 30
hiding or showing caller ID 102
locking SIM card 103
making a call 29
missed calls 34
muting calls 30
putting calls on hold 30
recent calls 32
ring mode 40
ringtones 40
settings 101
setting up voicemail 34
silent mode 40
switching between calls 24
turning on vibrate 41
using Bluetooth headset 41
using car kit 41
using favorites 39
using other applications while on a call 31
using speakerphone 30
using TTY machine 102
voicemail 34, 35
phone network name 95
photo albums 75
assigning photos to contacts 77
changing size or orientation of photos 75
emailing photos 76
playing music during slideshow 76
sending photos in email 48
settings 76, 106
syncing 73
using photos as wallpaper 76
viewing slideshows 75
zooming photos 75
See also Camera
photos, syncing 7, 10
taking 73