Thumb Instruction Reference
5-12 Copyright © 2000, 2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM DUI 0068B
POP {reglist, pc}
This instruction causes a branch to the address popped off the stack into the pc. This is
usually a return from a subroutine, where the lr was pushed onto the stack at the start of
the subroutine.
In ARM architecture version 5T and above:
• if bits[1:0] of the value loaded to the pc are
, the processor changes to ARM
• bits[1:0] must not have the value
In ARM architecture version 4T and earlier, bits[1:0] of the value loaded to the pc are
ignored, so
cannot be used to change state.
Condition flags
These instructions do not affect the flags.
These instructions are available in all T variants of the ARM architecture.
PUSH {r0,r3,r5}
PUSH {r1,r4-r7} ; pushes r1, r4, r5, r6, and r7
PUSH {r0,LR}
POP {r2,r5}
POP {r0-r7,pc} ; pop and return from subroutine
Incorrect examples
PUSH {r3,r5-r8} ; high registers not allowed
PUSH {} ; must be at least one register in list
PUSH {r1-r4,pc} ; cannot push the pc
POP {r1-r4,LR} ; cannot pop the LR