
Vector Floating-point Programming
ARM DUI 0068B Copyright © 2000, 2001 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 6-15
6.7 VFP instructions
This section contains the following subsections:
FABS, FCPY, and FNEG on page 6-16
Floating-point absolute value, copy, and negate.
FADD and FSUB on page 6-18
Floating-point add and subtract.
FCMP on page 6-19
Floating-point compare.
FCVTDS on page 6-20
Convert single-precision floating-point to double-precision.
FCVTSD on page 6-21
Convert double-precision floating-point to single-precision.
FDIV on page 6-22
Floating-point divide.
FLD and FST on page 6-23
Floating-point load and store.
FLDM and FSTM on page 6-25
Floating-point load multiple and store multiple.
FMAC, FNMAC, FMSC, and FNMSC on page 6-27
Floating-point multiply accumulate instructions.
FMDRR and FMRRD on page 6-29
Transfer contents between ARM registers and a double-precision floating-point
FMRRS and FMSRR on page 6-32
Transfer contents between a single-precision floating-point register and an ARM
FMRX, FMXR, and FMSTAT on page 6-33
Transfer contents between an ARM register and a VFP system register.
FMUL and FNMUL on page 6-34
Floating-point multiply and negate-multiply.
FSITO and FUITO on page 6-35
Convert signed integer to floating-point and unsigned integer to floating-point.
FSQRT on page 6-36
Floating-point square root.
FTOSI and FTOUI on page 6-37
Convert floating-point to signed integer and floating-point to unsigned integer.