Page 130 - Introduction Appendix D: Use Of The Serial Port
Appendix D: Use Of The Serial Port
The serial port is used, in an emergency, to erase the IPNC configuration or the
operational software. For example, if the system is continually rebooting
(indicators flashing every 10 seconds), it may be possible to recover the unit from
the serial port. It may also be used to erase the customer’s configuration if the
password has been forgotten.
An asynchronous terminal, such as Windows HyperTerminal is required,
configured for a serial (COM) port as follows:
Speed (bps) 38,400
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
Emulation TTY
Erasing the Configuration
To erase the configuration area of flash memory, i.e., return it to its factory
1. Open HyperTerminal on the PC. Attach a serial cable between the PC acting
as the terminal and the IPNC.
2. Reboot the IPNC from the INDeX Admin or by removing it and reinserting it.
3. Hit the Escape key [Esc] every second until the Loader message appears.
4. Type AT[Enter] and wait for an OK.
5. Type AT-X2[Enter] and wait for a response.
6. Type AT-X3[Enter] and wait for a response.
7. Power the unit off and on again.
Erasing a Configuration from Flash Memory
Loader 1.3 DualFlash (2MB-2xF800 Flash-120nS DRAM-70nS EDO)
P5 Loader 1.7 (2MB-2xF800 Flash-120nS SDRAM-10)
CPU Revision 0x0020
0xef00C000H Erase
0xef010000H Erase
Expanding MPPC image...
Note: An alternative method is:
at-debug< Manager Version 0.1>
Mon 25/8/1997 00:00:00, Hello>eraseconfig
Mon 25/8/1997 00:00:00, Hello>erasenvconfig
Mon 25/8/1997 00:00:00, Hello>abort
Page 130 - Appendix D: Use Of The Serial Port INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
Introduction 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)