Page 38 - Line Functions The Configuration Tree Functions
Line Functions
There are two categories of line function, ISDN Lines and Virtual Private Network
(VPN) lines. The ISDN line function allows different lines to be allocated to voice
and data calls, if required, and for lines to be made members of a group for
incoming call routing purposes. The ISDN line is also the means by which the
IPNC communicates with the INDeX. The IPNC's VPN facility additionally allows
“transparent” connection to an IP address at a remote site over the wide area, via
a leased line. This enables a leased circuit to be configured as a number of
virtual circuits which can be used for either data or Voice-over-IP
Short Codes are configured against ISDN lines to translate the dialled digits and
define which VPN line should be used (see "The ShortCode Function" on page
ISDN Lines
This configuration form is used to configure the use of channels available on the
IPNC. Highlight the required ISDN Line in the Configuration tree and double click
in the Display Panel.
Line Number: This parameter is not configurable, it is allocated by the IPNC.
Telephone Number: Used to remember the telephone number of this line. This
entry is for information only.
Outgoing Channels: Defines the number of channels that are available on this
line. Normally be the same as The Number Of Channels field, but can be reduced
to ensure that incoming calls cannot be blocked by outgoing calls.
Voice Channels: Controls the number of channels available for voice.
Incoming/Outgoing Group ID: One group can contain multiple lines. Short
Codes and Incoming Call Routes use these numbers to indicate which line they
are to use.
Number Of Channels: Defines the number of operational channels that are
available on this line. Always set to 32 for IPNC.
Data Channels: Controls the number of channels available for data use. If left
blank the value will be 0.
TEI: Terminal Equipment Identifier. For VPN lines, this should always be set to
zero. Not applicable to the IPNC.
National Prefix/International Prefix/Prefix: Not applicable.
Page 38 - The Configuration Tree Functions INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
Line Functions 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)