Page 74 - Part 1 IP Connectivity How Do I?
Task Description
Step 7 (optional)
This step is optional and is only required if
more than two ISDN bearer channels are
required. Proceed to the next step if a single
bearer channel is to be used. Apply the
parameter to the IPNC1
Parameter IPNC1 IPNC2
Service /Bandwidth
• Max Number
10 <blank>
Service /Bandwidth
• Extra BW
50 <blank>
The IPNC can be configured to use up to 32 digital
bearer channels to provide IP connectivity. The IPNC
can typically route five G729 VoIP calls over a single
DPNSS channel, with each call requiring one IPNC
channel. So for example, if two DPNSS channels are
used to provide data connectivity this would allow ten
VoIP calls.
G711 compression cannot be used on digital bearer
circuits for VoIP
Step 8
Add an IP route entry to support the
• IP Address =
• IP Mask =
• Gateway = <blank>
• Destination = IPNC2
• IP Address =
• IP Mask =
• Gateway = <blank>
• Destination = IPNC1
A routing entry must be added to allow access between
the two networks.
Step 9
Submit and test Configuration
Use the repeat Ping option (-t) to a device on the remote
location and observe the Monitor Application. While the
Ping is maintained, select Call events and ensure that
the IPNC2 dials the number configured in Step 6.
If IPNC2 fails to dial then this is usually due to IP route
If the IPNC2 dials, connects and then immediately
disconnects and the Pings are unsuccessful then this
could be due PPP error, i.e. bad password, incompatible
PPP parameters or a RAS configuration.
Use the Monitor application and select PPP to check
LCP TX/RX and Security TX/RX.
Use both the ISDN Events Layer 3 and the ISDN
Packets Layer 3 Send and Receive to determine if the
call gets connected. If the call fails to connect check the
RAS and environment configuration for the INDEX data
Page 74 - How Do I? INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
Part 1 IP Connectivity 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)