482 CyberSWITCH
Unable to Identify a remote device
A device that was not identified by any active security measures (for example, PAP or CHAP) was
Unable to Identify a remote device - <calling line id
A device that was not identified by any active security measures (for example, PAP or CHAP) was
rejected and is identified by its Calling Line Id.
Unable to Identify a remote device - no CLID
A device that was not identified by any active security measures (for example, PAP or CHAP) was
rejected and the caller did not present a Calling Line Id.
Unable to identify the frame type <CCB: xxxx>
The frame type (raw HDLC, RFC 1294, or PPP) can not be identified and therefore the connection
has been terminated. “CCB: xxxx” is included for your Distributor or Customer Support. The most
likely causes for the problem are: malfunction of the remote device, or a faulty line. Begin by
checking the configuration of the remote device, and then rebooting the device. If this does not
solve the problem, contact your Distributor. He/she will help you determine whether or not the
line is faulty.
Unable to locate device entry in on-node database for terminal session
A device matching the login id entered at the user level security prompt was not found in the on-
node database, and SFVRA Connection Manager was not configured.
Unable to open \config\devdb.nei file
Disregard this message if you have not yet added at least one device to the system’s on-node device
table and saved the change. The configuration file, \config\devdb.nei, is created the first time the
device table is saved. If the message continues, contact your Distributor or Customer Support.
Unable to open Modem Upgrade file
There may be a problem with the modem revision file. Contact your Distributor or Customer
Unable to restore original ISRs for Interrupt <interrupt #>
Check hardware jumpers and switches on the DM card and reinstall. Verify that the DM card is
properly configured in CFGEDIT. If the problem persists, contact your Distributor or Customer
Unable to send device information request to SFVRA after a terminal authentication.
Unable to send to SFVRA Connection Manager. Verify proper configuration of SFVRA-CONN and
Call Control options.
Unable to send DL Config Request
Unable to send DSL Config Request
Unable to send Terminate DSL Request
The above three messages indicate that an attempt has been made to dynamically update the Data
Link configuration, but the system is unable to send an update message down to a Basic Rate
adapter. Restart the system and review the configuration for the adapter. If the problem persists,
the system may be faulty. Contact your Distributor or Customer Support.