534 CyberSWITCH
with the name Schultz, and a device configured with the name Schmidt, this message
would be displayed. You would then need to enter at least
call device Schu
successfully initiate a call to the device Schultz.
Re-enter the name, or <RET> to cancel
The device name must be re-entered.
Unable to prompt for device name at this time
Indicates that the
command would prompt you for a device name, but the necessary
resources are not available. The recommended actions are as follows:
1. If possible, enter the device name on the command line.
2. If the device name cannot be entered from the command line (for example, the device
name contains command line delimiters of a space, a comma, a colon, or a tab), the
device can wait for a few minutes and see if any resources become available.
3. If actions 1 and 2 are ineffective, this may indicate an internal problem in the System,
please inform your service representative of the occurrence.
The following commands are used to monitor and verify the call detail recording (CDR) feature.
cdr stats
Display the CDR statistics. Refer to Call Detail Recording Statistics, for the available statistics and
corresponding definitions.
cdr stats clear
Clears the CDR statistics; setting them all to zero.
cdr verify
Generates a sample message to all servers that have been configured for CDR. A message
similar to the following will be displayed:
<system name> CDR VERIFY 1 of 1
Refer to Log Commands for the commands that will allow you to display or erase CDR log reports.
When the Call Restriction feature is enabled on the CyberSWITCH, the following command is
available through the administration console:
cr stats
Displays the current Call Restriction statistics. Refer to Call Restriction Statistics, for a list of
available statistics and their definitions.
Other Call Restriction commands are available through Dynamic Management. Refer to
Configuring Call Control for these commands.