Workgroup Remote Access Switch 643
static routes 102
AppleTalk routing 310
AppleTalk routing
bridging 567
call detail recording 567
call restriction 560
call statistics 561
compression 568
connectivity 560
DHCP 569
IP 576
IPX 579
IPX route 582
LAN 575
SNMP 585
TCP 587
TFTP 588
throughput monitoring 561
triggered RIP/SAP 582, 583
UDP 590
WAN 591
writing to disk 53
status 518
subaddress 92, 99, 164
subnet mask 108, 125, 126
SVCs 208
switch types 86
switches 35, 74, 89
SYNC indicator 418
synchronization type 90
sysContact 301
sysLocation 301
sysName 301
system details worksheet 602
system files 51
system messages
error messages
informational messages 426
initialization messages 427
normal operation messages 427
operational files 52
Spanning Tree messages 428
summary 428
warning messages 428
writing to disk 53
system options and information 146
system software 51
table size, IPX RIP and IPX SAP 278
tacacs 184
TACACS Authentication Server 183
configuration elements 184
packet format 184
TCP 244, 251, 255
statistics 587
tcp 551
TDM 97
Telnet 69, 506
commands 551
telnet 552
term 554
term set 357
terminal mode 30
TFTP 348, 509
configuration elements 349
statistics 588
tftp 348, 555
throughput monitor 313
configuring 313, 314
example 317
idle condition 317
overload condition 316
statistics 561
underload condition 316
thruput 314
time 518, 523
for remote management
trace 556, 558
trace messages 487
call trace messages 488
frame relay 500
IP filters 494
PPP packet 495
summary 489
X.25 497
transmit broadcast address 108
triggered RIP/SAP 290
commands 544
description 292
device information 297
global timers 291, 292
problem diagnosis 404
statistics 582, 583
verification 372
UDP 244, 251, 255
port number 184, 186
statistics 590
udp 557