Configuring the Trap Table
3-4 Trap Messages
To delete an existing entry:
1. In the list box, click to select the entry you wish to delete. The selected entry
will be highlighted. (Note that you can only delete one entry at a time.)
2. Click on to delete the selected entry.
Trap Messages
Following are some general descriptions of traps that may be sent by your FRX or
SmartSwitch 1800 device, including the conditions or events they announce, the
level of severity assigned to those conditions or events, the numeric designation
assigned to the trap, and, where appropriate, suggestions for corrective action.
Transmitter Stuck 146
No clock is being generated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Action Check conÞgurations and set the clock.
Configured for extended sequence numbering, received SABM 181
The Port record is conÞgured for a maximum frame sequence number
(Outstanding Frames) greater than seven, but a command was received setting
the mode to allow a maximum of seven.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Configured for normal sequence numbering,
received SABME 182
The Port record is conÞgured for a maximum frame sequence number
(Outstanding Frames) of seven or fewer, but a command was received setting the
mode to allow up to 127.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Received FRMR, WXYZ=”n”, control field=”n”,
V(s)=”n”, V(r)=”n”, CMD/RSP=”n” 197
The RLP HDLC frame processor task received a frame reject (FRMR) response to a
previously transmitted frame.
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action The system recovers automatically from this error; however, if
the message is repeated, it may mean that you have a bad
communications line.