Configuring the Subscriber Table 4-3
Configuring the Subscriber Table
The Subscriber Table window contains three main areas: the Subscriber Table
itself (in the top half of the window), which allows you to add, modify, or delete
subscriber entries; the Routing Table (on the lower left), which allows you to
assign one or more routing paths to a subscriber entry by associating that entry
with one or more physical or logical ports on your device; and the Address Table
(on the lower right), which allows you to assign the addresses that will be used
for call redirection (if those options are speciÞed in the table entry). Each of these
tables is described below.
Configuring the Subscriber Table
The Subscriber Table displayed at the top of the window is the main table that
allows you to deÞne the subscribers who will be communicating across your FRX
or SmartSwitch 1800 device. To conÞgure a Subscriber Table entry, you must set
the following parameters:
Subscriber ID
Each subscriber is identiÞed by an ID, or address, of up to 15 digits. When
assigning or editing a Subscriber ID, keep the following in mind:
¥ Subscribers using a public data network (PDN) must conform to the format
used by the PDN. (A PDN is a network operated by common carriers or
telecommunications administrations for the purpose of providing data
transmission capabilities to the public.) For example, CCITT recommendation
X.121 speciÞes a format which includes a one-digit international code,
followed by a four-digit Data Network IdentiÞcation Code (DNIC), followed
by up to 10 digits of Network Terminal Number (NTN).
¥ A private network Ñ one that will not communicate with other networks Ñ
can create its own format, using any or all of the available digits as desired.
Since each FRX or SmartSwitch 1800 port can support multiple subscribers,
Subscriber IDs can also use wildcard characters so that all subscribers on a port
can be referenced with a single entry. Two wildcard characters are available:
¥ A question mark (?) in a subscriber ID matches any single digit. For example,
3110?????????? matches any 14-digit address that begins with 3110.
¥ An asterisk, or star (*), matches any combination of digits, including none at
all. For example, 3110*00 is any address that starts with 3110 and ends with 00,
including 311000 but excluding 31100 (overlapping is not allowed). An asterisk
by itself matches any address.
Wildcard characters can also be combined: the address 3110??* matches any
address that begins with 3110 and contains at least two more digits.
If no Close button appears in your window, use the scroll bar to the right of the display to
access the button, which is at the bottom of the window.