Configuring the Trap Table
3-26 Trap Messages
SDLC Rem. Link Stn Not Responding 701
Self-explanatory. (Rem Link Stn is the Remote Link Station.)
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action Check the PU to make sure it is operational.
SDLC Link Stn Sent DM 702
The link station sent a Disconnect Mode response, and the logical link is down.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Link Stn rcvd FRMR, Inv. cmd 704
The remote device received an invalid command and responded with a Frame
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Stn rcvd FRMR, IFLD invalid 705
The remote device received an unpermitted I frame and responded with a Frame
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Stn rcvd FRMR, Nr invalid 706
The remote device received a frame with an invalid N
and responded with a
Frame Reject.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Stn rcvd FRMR, Ifld too long 707
The remote device received an I frame that was too long and responded with a
Frame Reject.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Rem Stn sent Invalid Command 708
The remote device received an invalid or unsupported command.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Rem Stn sent unexpected IFLD 709
The remote device send an unpermitted I frame.
Severity Major (Level 2)
SDLC Rem Stn sent invalid Nr 710
The remote device sent a frame with an invalid N
Severity Major (Level 2)