being rotated, and the oil rings should be viewed through the viewing ports in the top of the
bearing housing to verify free ring rotation.
4. On fan-cooled motors, the area around he external fan inlet should be checked for loose
debris that could be drawn into the fan during operation.
5. All external, factory-made, bolted joints should be checked for any looseness that may have
occurred in transit. Refer to Table 6 for recommended bolt torques.
Carrier Comfort Network Interface
The Carrier Comfort Network (CCN) communication bus wiring is supplied and installed by
the electrical contractor. It consists of shielded, 3-conductor cable with drain wire.
The system elements are connected to the communication bus in a daisy chain
arrangement. The positive pin of each system element communication connector must be wired
to the positive pins of the system element on either side of it; the negative pins must be wired to
the negative pins; the signal ground pins must be wired to signal ground pins.
To attach the CCN communication bus wiring, refer to the certified drawings and wiring
diagrams. The wire is inserted into the CCN communications plug (COMM1) on the PSIO
module. This plug also is referred to as J5.
Click here for Table 6 — Recommended Torque