Charge Refrigerant into Machine
The 17/19EX machine may have the refrigerant already charged in the utility vessels. If
machine is not shipped fully charged, refrigerant is shipped separately to conform with
transportation regulations. The 17/19EX may be ordered with a nitrogen holding charge of
15 psig (103 kPa). Evacuate the entire machine, and charge machine from refrigerant cylinders.
The full refrigerant charge on the 17/19EX will vary with machine components and design
conditions, indicated on the job data specifications. An approximate charge may be found in
17/19EX Physical Data section. The full machine charge is printed on the machine identification
Always operate the condenser and chilled water pumps during charging operations to
prevent freeze-ups. Use the Controls Test Terminate Lockout to monitor conditions and start
the pumps.
If the machine has been shipped with a holding charge,
the refrigerant will be added through
The transfer, addition, or removal of refrigerant in spring isolated machines may
place severe stress on external piping if springs have not been blocked in both
up and down directions.