* [LIMIT] is shown on the LID as temperature, pressure, voltage, etc., set point predefined or selected by
the operator as an override, alert, or alarm condition. [VALUE] is the actual pressure, temperature,
voltage, etc., at which the control tripped.
Failure To
Starter Transi-
tion Fault
RUN AUX Starter Transition
Fault: Check 1CR/1M/Interlock
Check starter for proper operation. Run
contact failed to close.
Failure To
1CR AUX Con-
tact Fault
1CR AUX Starter Contact Fault:
Check 1CR/1M aux. contacts.
Check starter for proper operation. Start
contact failed to close.
Failure To
Motor Amps Not
CA P Motor Amps Not Sensed:
Check motor load signal.
Check for proper motor amps signal to
SMM. Check wiring from SMM to cur-
rent transformer. Check main motor cir-
cuit breaker for trip.
Failure To
Check Refriger-
ant Type
Current Refrigerant Properties
Abnormal — Check Selection of
refrigerant type
Pressures at transducers indicate
another refrigerant type in Contol Test.
Make sure to access the ATTACH TO
NETWORK DEVICE table after specify-
ing HFC-134a refrigerant type.
Failure To
Low Oil Pressure Low Oil Pressure [LIMIT]:*
Check oil pressure switch/pump
and 2C aux.
The oil pressure differential switch is
open when the compressor tried to
START. Check the switch for proper
operation. Also, check the oil pump
interlock (2C aux) in the power panel
and the high condenser pressure
Table 8 — LID Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Alert Messages
with Troubleshooting Guides
F. Start-Up Failures:
This is an alarm condition. A manual reset is required to clear.
Alarm Message/Primary
Additional Cause/Remedy