
144 AlterPath Console Server User Manual
devices over a common medium. Ethernet runs at 10 Mbps;
Fast Ethernet runs at 100 Mbps. Ethernet is the most common
type of LAN.
Flash Flash refers to a type of memory that can be erased and
reprogrammed in units of memory known as blocks rather
than one byte at a time; thus, making updating to memory
Flow Control A method of controlling the amount of data that two devices
exchange. In data communications, flow control prevents one
modem from "flooding" the other with data. If data comes in
faster than it can be processed, the receiving side stores the
data in a buffer. When the buffer is nearly full, the receiving
side signals the sending side to stop until the buffer has space
again. Between hardware (such as your modem and your
computer), hardware flow control is used; between modems,
software flow control is used.
Hot-Swap Ability to remove and add hardware to a computer system
without powering off the system.
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol is an Internet protocol
sent in response to errors in TCP/IP messages. It is an error
reporting protocol between a host and a gateway. ICMP uses
Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams (or packets), but the
messages are processed by the IP software and are not
directly apparent to the application user.
In-band Network In a computer network, when the management data is
Management accessed using the same network that carries the data, this is
called “in-band management.”
IP Address A 32-bit address assigned to hosts using TCP/IP. It belongs to
one of five classes (A-E) and is expressed as 4 octets
separated by periods formatted as dotted decimals.
Each address has a network number, an optional sub network
number and a host number. The first two numbers are used