
Before You Begin
2 AlterPath Console Server User Manual
4: Configuring the Web Presents the procedures for configuring the
Interface ACS, using the web interface. All the procedures
follows the menu structure of the entire web
interface in Wizard Mode and Expert Mode.
Appendix A Summarizes the Hardware Specifications of the
AlterPath Console Server, and lists the PCMCIA
cards that the ACS supports.
Appendix B Outlines the Safety Considerations for
installing and handling the ACS.
Appendix C Lists the latest Web Browsers that ACS
supports, and explains the procedure for
installing JRE on your PC.
Glossary Contains a glossary of terms and acronyms used
in the manual.
Index Index of key words or subjects.
Typographical Conventions
Form/Window labels Words that appear on forms, windows, or any
part of the user interface are typed in boldface.
The Add User dialog box; the Password field.
Hypertext links With the exception of headings and the Table of
Contents (which are already linked), all
words are hypertext links.
Important words For emphasis, important words are italicized.
Menu selections The order in which you select a menu is indicated
by the “greater than” symbol (>).
Example: Network > Access Method.
Screen words Words that appear as part of the graphical user
interface are typed in boldface.
Examples: The Configuration window; the
Password field.