4: Configuring the Web Interface
AlterPath Console Server User Manual 43
3. Complete the input fields as follows:
4. If you selected Remote from the Destination field, type in the NFS File
Path from the resulting form (i.e., specify the NFS mount point. The NFS
server must be already configured, and the mount point exported):
5. Click on the Apply Changes button.
Field Name Definition
Destination Destination of the buffer files: Local (i.e.,
Ramdisk) or Remote.
Mode If you selected Local destination, choose the file
sort mode. Select Linear for sequential files,
Circular for non-sequential files.
File Size (Bytes) If you selected Local destination, the value for this
field cannot be zero.
Record the time stamp... Commands the system to include a time stamp in
the buffer.
Data Buffering file Name of the buffer file.
Show Menu Defines what you want to show in the menu of the
buffer file. Select from: Show all options, No,
Show data buffering file only, and Show without
the erase options.