Starting and Configuring the Device
Configuration Overview
Page 37
The device is delivered with no community strings configured.
The community-string, community-access, and IP address can be configured through the local terminal during the
initial configuration procedure.
The SNMP configuration options are:
• Community string
– Access rights options: ro (read only), rw (read-and-write), and su (super).
– An option to configure IP address or not. If an IP address is not configured, it means that all community
members having the same community name are granted the same access rights.
Common practice is to use two community strings for the device, one (public community) with read-only access
and the other (private community) with read-write access. The public string allows authorized management
stations to retrieve MIB objects, while the private string allows authorized management stations to retrieve and
modify MIB objects.
During initial configuration, it is recommended to configure the device according to the network administrator
requirements, in accordance with using an SNMP-based management station. During the initial configuration
procedure, the community-string, community-access, and IP address can be set through the local terminal.
The SNMP configuration options are:
• Community string.
– Read Only — Community members can view configuration information, but cannot change any
– Read/Write — Community members can view and modify configuration information.
– Super — Community members have administration access.
• Configurable IP address. If an IP address is not configured, all community members with the same
community name are granted the same access rights.
To configure an SNMP station IP address and community string(s), perform the following steps:
1. At the console prompt, enter the command Enable. The prompt is displayed as #.
2. Enter the command configure and press <Enter>.
3. In configuration mode, enter the SNMP configuration command with the parameters including community
name (private), community access right (read and write), and IP address, as shown in the following example:
config(config)# snmp-server community private rw type router
config(config)# exit
console(config)# show snmp
Community-String Community-Access IP address
------------------------ --------------------------- --------------------
private readWrite
Traps are enabled.
Authentication-failure trap is enabled.
Trap-Rec-Address Trap-Rec-Community Version
------------------------ --------------------------- --------------------