
Configuring Device Security
Configuring Management Security
Page 75
Defining RADIUS Settings
Remote Authorization Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) servers provide additional security for networks. RADIUS
servers provide a centralized authentication method for web access.
Default parameters are user-defined, and are applied to newly defined RADIUS servers. If new default parameters
are not defined, the system default values are applied to newly defined RADIUS servers.
To configure RADIUS servers:
1. Click System > Management Security > Authentication > RADIUS. The RADIUS Page opens:
Figure 34: RADIUS Page
The RADIUS Page contains the following fields:
Retries — Defines the number of transmitted requests sent to the RADIUS server before a failure occurs.
Possible field values are 1-10.
Timeout for Reply — Defines the amount of time (in seconds) the device waits for an answer from the
RADIUS server before retrying the query, or switching to the next server. Possible field values are 1-30.
Dead Time — Defines the default amount of time (in minutes) that a RADIUS server is bypassed for service
requests. The range is 0-2000.
Key String — Defines the default key string used for authenticating and encrypting all RADIUS-communica-
tions between the device and the RADIUS server. This key must match the RADIUS encryption.
Source IP Address — Defines the default IP address of a device accessing the RADIUS server.
The RADIUS Page also contains the following fields: