
Discount-£ Displays the total monetary value of all discounts in £
Discount-# Displays the total number of discounted vends
Test Vend-£ Displays the total monetary value of all test vends in £
Test Vend-# Displays the total number of test vends
Surcharge-£ Displays the total monetary value of all surcharges in £
Surcharge-# Displays the total number of surcharge vends
Free Vend-£ Displays the total monetary value of all free vends in £
Free Vend-# Displays the total number of free vends
N.B. All sales data is presented in a format required by the latest European Vending
Association Data Transfer Standards (EVA DTS). Surcharge data fields are not
supported by Evolution machines.
3. Scroll through the list displayed using the (up)
or (down) keys on the front panel and record
the audit data.
When complete, press the X (Exit) key on the
drink selection keypad to return to the Non
Resettable Sales Data menu screen.
4. The operator can also view and record audit data by individual product. Press the
(down) key on the drink selection keypad to highlight By Product on the Non
Resettable Sales Data menu screen.
5. Press the (Edit) key on the keypad to enter the By Product menu screen. This
menu contains all of the drink selections available from the machine. Use the
(up) or (down) keys on the drink selection keypad to scroll through the menu
until the required selection is highlighted.
6. Press the (Edit) key on the keypad to enter the
highlighted selection e.g. chocolate. The LCD will
display the screen as shown opposite. This menu
displays both the total £ amount and total vend
count as previously described.
N.B. Individual By Product screens also display
the price set for the selection as shown.
The operator can then scroll through the list displayed using the (up) or
(down) keys on the drink selection keypad and record the audit data.
Operators Manual