
Once the operator has viewed and recorded required information from these sub-
menu’s, the data can be deleted via the Clear Data sub menu.
5. From the Resettable Sales Data screen, highlight
the Clear Data sub menu using the
(down) key
and press the (Edit) key. The LCD on the front
of the machine will display the screen as shown
opposite, warning the operator that all data will
be deleted.
Either press the (Edit) key to clear the data or press the X (Exit) key to exit
the menu without clearing the data.
3. Timed Events
1. From the Data Recall menu scroll down and
highlight Timed Events then press the (Edit)
key. The LCD will display the screen as shown
opposite. From this menu screen the operator
can access then view and record information
relating to the four events as shown.
2. To view the Power Losses screen, press the
(Edit) key. The screen displays a list of the 10
most recent occasions when power to the
machine has been disconnected in date, time of
day and period format. Press the X (Exit) key to
return to the Timed Events menu.
3. Press the
(down) key to highlight Last Data Clear, Last Vend and Last Clock
Set. Information for these events is displayed along the bottom of the screen.
4. Identification Numbers
1. From the Data Recall menu scroll down and
highlight Identification Numbers then press the
(Edit) key. The LCD will display the screen as
shown opposite. From this menu the operator
can access and then view serial number, part
number and version type information relating to
the main PCB and any MDB coin/card mechanism fitted to the machine.
N.B. Coin Mechanism, Bill Validator and Card Reader will only be displayed if an
MDB device is fitted to the machine.
Operators Manual
Clear Data
Are you sure you want
to set all resettable
data to zero?
Timed Events
Power Losses
Last Data Clear
Last Vend
Last Clock Set
Power Losses
05-08-05 12:25 10Min
04-08-05 12:10 12Min
Identification Numbers
Main PCB
Coin Mechanism
Bill Validator
Card Reader