12. When setting up a discount price period it is necessary for the operator to enter
a value for the discount. Follow the procedure as described previously to enter
a discount vend period and set the state, start time, stop time and days of the
week that the event will occur.
13. The operator can now enter a Discount menu in
order to enter a discount value as a percentage
(%). The LCD will display a screen similar to the
one shown opposite. With Discount highlighted,
press the
▼ (Edit) key to access the Discount
14. To enter the discount value, e.g. 50%, press the
sequence 5-0 using the appropriate number keys
on the drink selection keypad. Press the ↵ (Edit)
key to return to the 11 (Discount) screen and
verify that the status line displays the discount
percentage value entered.
N.B. When machine is fitted with a coin mechanism, please ensure that discount
value entered can be supported by the coin tubes.
15. Press the X (Exit) key three times to return to the Main Menu screen.
2. Sanitation Events Menu: This sub menu allows the operator to select periods
when the machine will automatically flush through the water system via the 6 timed
and 6 post vend flush periods available. The default setting for all flush periods is Off.
1. From the Main Menu press the
▼ (down) key until Timed Events is highlighted
then press the ↵ (Edit) key.
2. Once in the Timed Events menu press the
(down) key to highlight Sanitation Events Menu
then press the ↵ (Edit) key. The LCD will display
the screen as shown.
The following example describes how the operator can program a timed event to flush
the water system at 07.00 am, everyday.
1. To set up the first timed flush, press the ↵ (Edit)
key to access the 1 Timed sub menu. The LCD
will change and display the screen as shown. By
default the current State is set to Off as indicated
by the status line at the bottom of the screen.
Operators Manual