QMS 4525 Print System User's Guide2-28
interface, the data is buffered to main memory until all RAM is used.
With these large, expandable input buffers, entire print jobs are sent
in a single transmission. This not only increases the printer's perfor-
mance, it also relieves the central processing unit (CPU) of time-con-
suming print data transmissions.
The QMS 4525 input buffers can also be configured for resident print
job spooling, allowing the host to send multiple, successive jobs with-
out CPU or user delays. In environments where a file server queues
jobs, the file server is relieved of print jobs much faster. The Crown
operating system provides a link between RAM and internal or exter-
nal hard disk drives that are connected to the printer. This creates a
kind of “virtual memory” that allows RAM to spill over to the hard disk,
eliminating the need for additional print server hardware.
Compressed Data Formats—Crown printers convert data
received by the input buffers into intermediate, compressed
blocks until the data is needed for printing. These com-
pressed blocks of data are designed to be processed rapidly
by the printer, and many more can be stored in memory at
one time than can traditional bitmapped images.
Automatic Jam Recovery—Crown technology also provides
automatic jam recovery. With most printers, if a media jam
occurs, you must remove the jammed media and then reprint
the job. On a Crown printer, if a media jam occurs, once you
remove the jammed media, the printer reprints the jammed
page and then continues with the print job. This is possible
because compressed data formats allow more pages to be
stored in memory. The printer remembers the last page
printed, pulls the necessary intermediate blocks from mem-
ory, and automatically reprints any lost pages. There is no
need to resend the file.
User-Configurable Memory Clients
On the QMS 4525, memory is divided among memory
“clients.” The size of most memory clients can be configured
by the user (via the control panel or by software commands)
to best meet specific printing, computing, and network needs.
The following memory clients are on the QMS 4525 printer.