
Feeding Paper
5-5Printing Your Files
Current job paper
An application, network print command, and/or QMS Document
Option Command can specify the paper to be used for the current
print job.
In addition to selecting the default paper from the control panel,
you have the following ways to select paper for the current print
job by specifying an input bin by name
Your application can specify paper by input bin name, paper size,
or paper type.
Network print command
Your network print commands can specify paper by input bin
name, paper size, or paper type.
QMS Document Option Command
You can use QMS Document Option Commands to specify paper
by input bin name, paper size, or paper type.
Using the Control Panel
The system administrator chooses a default paper input bin from the
control panel or from a console. (See the system administrator's
guide for additional information.) The printer uses paper from the
default paper input bin if your file does not specify a paper size or
paper input bin.
Using QMS DOC Commands
Use the following QMS DOC command to select an input bin:
%%IncludeFeature: input (
input bin number
Your choices for
input bin number
are 1 (lower input bin), 2 (upper
input bin), and
* (any input bin with the specified paper
size; for example, letter *). (See the
QMS Crown Document Option
manual for complete information about using DOC com-
mands in your files.)