
QMS 4525 Print System User's Guide5-2
This chapter provides information on printing your files.
Printing Your Files
The QMS 4525 printer is designed to serve a number of users in net-
work environments. With ESP and SIO, the printer can be directly
connected via serial, parallel, AppleTalk, and optional network inter-
faces, serving multiple hosts simultaneously.
If you are connected to the printer over a network, see your system
administrator for specific instructions on printing files. There are many
features on your QMS printer that may be customized to the require-
ments of your particular network. The system administrator can
explain how the printer is configured for your network.
QMS Document Option Commands (DOC)
If you are on a network, you can still use all your printer features when
you want to. For example, you may want one file printed in PostScript,
in duplex mode, and on letter-size paper and another file in simplex
mode, in HP PCL 5, and on legal paper. Your printer provides a pow-
erful feature that can accommodate your requests (and the requests
of any other user on the network) without affecting the printer configu-
ration for other jobs. This feature is the set of QMS Document Option
Commands (DOC). See chapter 2, the "QMS Document Option Com-
mands" section, for a list of printer-supported DOC commands.
With DOC, you can prepend special commands to the beginning of
your files that cause the printer to perform specific file processing or
document handling options. For instance, you can use DOC com-
mands to specify a language or emulation, select a specific input bin
or paper size, select duplex mode or simplex (single-sided) printing,
and select page orientation. The features you select using DOC com-
mands are in effect only for the printing of that file. After the file prints,