Merging All Linked Files
Merging All Linked Files
in their other fields. When the Dupli-
cate Record dialog box appears you
must choose one of these options:
Use...from Sidekick
saves the en-
try from the PC Sidekick file and
discards the entry from the
BOOKMAN Sidekick file.
Use...from BOOKMAN
saves the
entry from the BOOKMAN Side-
kick file and discards the entry
from the PC Sidekick file.
saves the entries from both
the BOOKMAN Sidekick file and
the PC Sidekick file.
box lets you choose
how carefully you want to look at fu-
ture duplicate records.
Continue Querying on Each Occur-
allows you to examine each
pair of duplicate records.
Use Same Selection for Future Oc-
automatically applies the
current selection to all future dupli-
cate records in this current file.
Merging New Files
It is also possible to merge an exist-
ing file, either a PC Sidekick or
BOOKMAN Sidekick file, to a newly
created file. For example, if you
linked an existing PC Sidekick card-
file to a new BOOKMAN cardfile,
you can still click
Merge All
adds all of the entries from the
existing file to the new file.
Understanding Duplicate
Each BOOKMAN Sidekick entry, or
record, has up to three index fields.
Index fields contain the information
that is displayed in menu items on
your BOOKMAN Sidekick. Index
fields are also used for sorting en-
tries and files on your PC Sidekick.
The Duplicate Record Assignment
dialog box appears whenever you
try to merge two entries that have
identical information in their index
fields, but have different information