Recovering Files
Every time you transfer a file from your
BOOKMAN Sidekick to your computer, as
well as every time that you merge a pair of
linked files, a recovery file is created on
your computer. Recovery files contain all
the information from the PC Sidekick file
that was overwritten when you merged
that file or transferred to that file.
Caution: Recovery files contain informa-
tion from only the most recent time that a
PC Sidekick file was transferred or
merged. Each time a file is transferred or
merged to a PC Sidekick file, its recovery
file is overwritten.
Recovery files are saved in a
subdirectory, called
, located
in the same directory as the BOOK-
MAN Sidekick Connectivity software.
All recovery files retain their original
names and extensions. You can re-
trieve recovery files in PC Sidekick, by
opening the
and selecting a recovery file.
Caution: If you attempt to transfer or
merge a recovery file, you risk losing
the information which was saved in the
recovery file.
Advanced Transfers and Merging
Merging and Transferring
Notes from Sidekick 95
In Sidekick 95, notes are referred to
as Write files, which contain text
that can be formatted as you would
a word processing file (e.g., bolding,
italicizing, font size, paragraph align-
ment, etc.).
If you transfer or merge a Write file
to your BOOKMAN Sidekick and
the same file back to
your computer, its text formatting
will be lost.