Port Finder window 53
Problems with the connectivity
software 64
Punctuation marks 12
Rebooting Windows 51, 52, 64
Reciprocals 47
Recover subdirectory 62
Recovering files (PC Sidekick only)
Recovery files described 62
Recurring appointments
deleting 26
trimming the Schedule 27
Recurring special days 26
cardfiles 30
note folders 36
Resetting BOOKMAN 67
Restoring backup files using the
connectivity software 63
Retrieving file descriptors 65
Saving changes 11
Schedule trimming 27
Screen contrast 10
cardfiles 33
for cards 33, 34
for notes 40, 41
for parts of words 27, 34, 41
note folders 40, 41
books 9
communications (COM) port 52
database type for transferring or
merging 54
daylight or standard time 18
destination drive 52
PC Connect 52
topics 11
Serial cable 6, 52, 64, 65
Serial cable, connecting 50
Serial port
location of 6
using with BOOKMAN PC-Connect
serial cable 51, 64
Sidekick PC, questions about 50
Size and weight 68
Special characters
in searches 26, 33, 40
typing 12
Special days 21-23, 27
Special features 6
Specifications 68
Square roots 47
Squares of numbers 47
Standard time 18
Swapping Home and World Clocks 19