International Roaming (GSM) 35
International Roaming (GSM)
International Technical Support
Sprint Worldwide Customer Service is available to answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. Visit
www.sprint.com/international and click Chat with us to talk online with an
International Services representative; or click
Email us to send an email to an International
Services representative; or you can call the numbers below if you need assistance.
While in the United States:
Ⅵ Call 1-888-226-7212, option 2.
While traveling outside the United States:
Ⅵ Call +1-817-698-4199, option 3.
There is no charge for this call from your Sprint wireless device.
From a landline phone when outside the United States:
Sprint Worldwide Customer Service can be reached from a landline phone at +1-817-698-
4199, option 3. Access or connection fees may apply. The toll-free numbers below can also
be used to contact Sprint Worldwide Customer Service in the following countries.
● An
guilla 1-888-226-7212
● Barbados 1
● Ca
yman Islands 1-888-226-7212
● Dominica 1
● F
rance 0800-903200
● German
y 0800-80-0951
● Italy 800-
● T
rinidad & Tobago 1-800-201-7545
● United Kingdom 08
Note: This toll-free service is available through ordinary landline phones and some public payphones.
Additional fees may be incurred if you call this service from hotels.