58 Using GPS
Windows Vista / Windows 7
1. Display the Windows System Properties folder. The procedure for doing this depends on
whether “Computer” is on your desktop or in the first level of the Start menu.
Ⅲ If “Computer” is on y
our desktop, right-click the Computer icon and then select
Properties from the menu that appears.
Ⅲ If “Computer” is on the first le
vel of the Start menu, select Computer from the Start
menu and then click
System Properties at the top of the window that appears.
2. Click the Device Manager link in the left column. In the Device Manager window, the three
virtual ports created by Sprint SmartView are listed under the
Ports (COM & LPT) heading.
Adding a GPS Application to the GPS Applications Window
Follow these steps to add an application to the list in the GPS Applications window.
1. In the Location/GPS tab of the settings window, click Configure GPS Applications. The GPS
Applications window appears.
2. Click Add. The Application Configuration window appears.
3. In the Profile Name field, enter the name of the application that you are adding. The name
entered here will be displayed in the
Applications window.
4. Click Browse (next to the box marked File).
5. Select the file you wish to add to the list and then click OK.
6. If the application you are adding supports specifying the NMEA COM port on the
command line, you can enter it in the
Parameters field. This is an alternative to specifying
the port within the launched application itself. Once you have determined the format that
the application uses for the NMEA command line parameter, there are two ways of
specifying the actual port number:
Ⅲ Enter a port
number directly (for example COM33). Note, however, if another GPS
application is already using this port when you open this application, this application
will not be able to receive data. Be careful not to assign the same number to two GPS
applications that are likely to be open at the same time.
Ⅲ Instr
uct Sprint SmartView to assign the application the next available port each time
the application is opened. To do this, use
$NMEAPORT in place of the actual port
Note: The Parameters field also allows you to specify additional command line parameters to be
used when launching the application. However, these additional parameters must be
enclosed in parentheses.
7. Click OK.
Note: Applications added using this procedure will appear in the GPS Applications menu rather than the
GPS Search menu. If you wish to add an item to the GPS Search menu, just type the text you want to
search for into the field at the top of the menu itself.