Network Profiles 81
Network Profiles
● Manual – You must manually initiate connections to this network (either by using the
controls in the main window or by selecting it in the Network Profiles window and
then clicking
Connect). Sprint SmartView will not connect to this network
Auto Launch
Select this check box if you would like to automatically launch the VPN client software when
you establish a connection to this network.
Enable Application Launcher
If this check box is selected, Sprint SmartView will launch selected applications whenever it
establishes a connection to this network. For an application to be launched in this manner,
the following must also be true:
● The application must be listed on the App Launcher tab of the Settings window.
● The Launch Options field in the Monitor Details window must be set to either “Prompt”
or “Auto.”
If this check box is not selected, these applications will not be launched.
Disable IE’s manual proxy settings on connect
If you normally connect to the Internet through a proxy server (this is common on corporate
LANs), you may experience difficulty connecting to the Internet with Internet Explorer when
you are traveling. This is because Internet Explorer is trying to connect through a proxy
server that is on your home network rather than on the network to which you are connected.
If this is the case, you can select this check box to disable proxy server settings while you
are connected using this profile.
Launch browser window on connect
Select this check box to automatically launch your browser each time you connect to this
network. If you want the browser to start at a particular Web page each time you connect to
this network, enter the address for that Web page in the
Start URL field.