Video Viewer Video session types
Icons Description
Active (normal) You are conducting a normal KVM session that is not
exclusive, but is not currently shared. An active session
icon is visible.
Locked (normal) Your administrator has configured the appliance to lock
KVM and Virtual Media (VM) sessions together. You have
a normal KVM session and have opened a VM session.
Your KVM session cannot be shared or preempted, and it
is not subject to inactivity time-out. It can be terminated by
an administrator. For more information, see “Using virtual
media” on page 56.
Exclusive You have exclusive control over the targets. During this
KVM session the connection to the target device cannot be
shared, but it can be preempted or observed in stealth
mode by an administrator.
Active sharing:
You are the first user to connect to the target device, and
you have allowed other users to share the KVM session.
Active sharing:
You can view and interact with the target device while
sharing the KVM session with a primary user and, possibly,
other secondary users.
Passive sharing You can view the video ouput of the target device, but you
are not allowed to have keyboard and mouse control over
the target device.
Stealth You can view the video output of the target device without
the permission or knowledge of the primary user. You
cannot have keyboard and mouse control over the target
device. This session type is available for administrators
Scanning (No
You can monitor up to 16 target devices in thumbnail view.
No status indicator icon is visible when in scan mode.
Table 2: Video session types